Valentine's Day in the greatest city in the world
I've been crossing the days off on my calendar and counting down the hours, anxiously awaiting for this day to arrive. Tonight, we hop on a red eye flight to the world's GREATEST city, New York! The hubby and I will touch down ridiculously early on Valentine's day morning, most likely exhausted as all hell, but definitely wide eyed and giddy nonetheless. This is Will's first time in the great city, and I am almost more excited to watch him experience it. Then again, I have been seriously jonesing for some greasy NYC cheese pizza since the last time I was there. We are staying with friends in their apartment in Chelsea, and I cannot wait to just follow them around the city like an eager puppy dog. This is the first time I've done ZERO planning for a vacation. Our only plan is to see where each day takes us. Of course there has still been talk of long brunches, sunny skies, shopping, plays in Brooklyn, and speakeasies...but we decided to forgo all of the stress of "planning" a vacation, and just experience it.
The part I look forward to the most is just walking the streets of NYC with my guy taking in all of the energy, sounds, and smells (even the not-so great ones). I normally don't get super into the whole Valentine's day hoopla, but I cannot think of a more romantic place to be, with my favorite person in the whole world.
So, goodbye Orange County, and hello New York!